Digital Device Policy
Devices will be distributed at the beginning of each school year. Students and parents are responsible for any and
all damage through negligence, misuse, and intentional abuse. District issued devices will be monitored for content and
location (See TCBOE Digital Computing Device Policy.)
Unauthorized Possession and or use of any communication device during school hours and on school buses is
School personnel will confiscate all cell phones and ECD’s and will require parents to retrieve the devices.
Students who violate the policy will be subject to appropriate discipline. A student who uses a cell phone or ECD in a
manner to download indecent materials, “text” profane messages, “text” answers to a test, make a bomb threat, or commit
any other act that violates Student Code of Conduct Class III Offense will be subject to the applicable Class III discipline
for the particular offense. Principals may designate certain times where cell phones may be utilized for specific
instructional purposes only. School personnel may inventory the contents of any communication device if it is used
in violation of the above policy. School personnel are not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones or any other
electronic communication devices. Smartwatches are not allowed in elementary schools.
Student Policy
The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, Smartwatches, or other
telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of
a secure test. If a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test, the device
will be confiscated.
If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease,
the device will be confiscated and is subject to search, the student will be dismissed from testing, and the student’s test
will be invalidated. Any disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Alabama State Department of Education Digital Device Policy for the Alabama
Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) Testing
Student Policy:
Students shall not possess any digital device within the testing room when participating in ACAP testing. The possession
of a digital device by students participating in ACAP testing is strictly prohibited during the administration of a test. For
the purposes of this policy, digital devices are defined to include anything that can capture, store, relay, or receive
electronic information. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: laptops, smart phones, smart watches, fitness
trackers, MP3 players, and tablets. The ONLY exception to this policy is for students who have been pre-approved by the
Building Test Coordinator or the Principal to have a digital device that is necessary for the health and/or well-being of the
student. If students are in possession of a digital device that is within their reach during the administration of an ACAP
test, the device will be confiscated and, if the appropriate administrator determines that there is reasonable suspicion
that the device was used to capture, record, or share test information or to facilitate cheating on the test, it may be subject
to search pursuant to LEA policy for any information directly related to the ACAP test being administered. Additionally,
the student will be dismissed from testing immediately and the test may be invalidated in accordance with ACAP policy.
Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action by the LEA in accordance with the LEA’s disciplinary policy.
Jamari Terrell Williams Student Bullying Prevention Act Policy
No student shall engage in or be subjected to bullying or harassment, intimidation, violence, or threats of violence
by any other student that is based on any of the specific characteristics that have been identified by the Board of Education
in it’s policy (JCDACD). Students who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions as
specified in the Student Code of Conduct, subject to the investigating school administrator’s authority and decision. This
policy and any procedures, rules, and forms developed and approved to implement the policy will be published,
disseminated, and made available to students, parents and legal guardians, and employees by such means and methods as
are customarily used for such purposes including publication on the Talladega County Board’s website and in local school
Cyber bullying is when a person is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted
by another person using the internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones.
Students participating in cyber bullying while at school will face disciplinary action. In addition, students
participating in cyber bullying off school campus that disrupts or negatively affects the school environment may also face
disciplinary action. Law enforcement officials may be contacted if deemed necessary by school officials.